zondag 30 juli 2017

Dead Men's Secrets - Jonathan Gray

Here's a good one on ancient sites and technology by George Gordon. Also a small part is about giants. In this blog i will combine the "Giants" theme with ancient sites and ancient technology.

The book: Dead Men's Secrets - Tantalizing Hints of a Lost Super Race 

Archaeologist Jonathan Gray stumbled upon something that shocked him! . . . a whole cache of "out of place" items that should not exist. And they weren't just in one place. There was a global pattern to them. This pattern showed a lost science and technology. That's when he knew someone had to speak up. This content was of tremendous value. MACHINERY: Did you know that the Egyptians bored into granite rock with drills that turned 500 times faster than modern power drills? ANCIENT AMERICA: Did you know that a Chinese mapping survey of North America in 2200 BC described a sunrise over the Grand Canyon, black opals and gold nuggets in Nevada, and seals frolicking in San Francisco
Bay? This is the most amazing archaeology book you'll ever see! Dead Men's Secrets is an assemblage of astonishing discoveries. A lost super science emerges from the sea floor, jungle, and desert sands of our planet with more than 1,000 forgotten secrets. It will SHOCK you. SEE this world as you've never seen it before. DISCOVER answers you never had. GAIN a new enjoyment. HAVE FACTS at your fingertips to amaze your friends.

maandag 24 juli 2017

The Giants Of The Bible are Real

Nice compilation of different videos about Giants and structures.
Check it out!

End Times Productions:

Just for fun - Secret Doorway In Giants Causway Northern Ireland Caught On Mobile Camera

This is a fun video that makes you wonder or just say bs..but still something to share.

Also pause it right before it closes...you will see a white figure...and also see the sand blow away from the ground.

Hugh Newman - The Megalithic Giants

Here's a good presentation about reports about giants and of course the "Smithsonian" coverup
Check it out.

Zohar StarGate Ancient Discoveries:

dinsdag 4 juli 2017

The Real Book Of Giants

First post...got tangled in all these stories about Real Life Giants. Makes you wonder why there are so many stories about giants all over the world.

First installment from FlatWater FlatEarth